First Name
Last Name
Don't worry, you don't need to answer every question. Just have fun and answer what you can.
Tell Us About Yourself
How long have you lived or worked in the neighborhood?
What do you enjoy most about the neighborhood or your favorite things to do here?
Tell us about your family & pets.
How would a friend describe you if they were making a personal introduction?
Who is the most interesting person you have met in the neighborhood?
What are some of your favorite things to do in the neighborhood?
What are your favorite restaurants in the neighborhood?
Do you have pets? If so, we'd love to hear about them.
If you could be animal, what would you be?
Who is the person or organization that has helped or mentored you the most in your business journey?
What's the most recent / favorite book that you've read and why?
What is one thing on your bucket list, and why?
What is your favorite time of year and why?
What's your favorite local charity or non-profit, and why?
What did you do in your past career path?
Tell us about your current business or organization
Business Name
Title or Role
Contact Email
Please write a description of your business, including products and services.
What products or services does your business provide?
What year did you open and what was your initial vision or reason for starting your business?
What year did you open?
Is there an origin story behind your business or organization name or do you have a proudest moment or experience since opening?
Do you have any exciting expansion plans or new products / services you'd like to share with us?
What's been your biggest surprise about your business or organization?
What do you like most about being an entrepreneur?
What's your proudest moment or experience since opening?
What do you wish your local neighbors knew about your business or organization?
What makes you stand out most from your competitors?
How do you generate customer referrals?
What do customers tell you that they love most about your business or organization?
Which qualities do you look for in new employees?
What is the oddest request you've ever had from a customer?
Does your business give back to your community? If so, how - If not, what are your favorite local charities?
What is the best way to learn more about your business or organization?
Do you have a favorite video about your business on YouTube that you would like us to share?
Facebook Page URL
Instagram URL
Linkedin Page
Add Media & Pictures
Headshot or family photo. This will be the featured image in the local spotlight article and shared on social media.
Please upload any pictures about your business that we can use
Submit Spotlight Questions